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about us

ssstradingco is promoted by first generation bussinessman with

a technical background of around 25years includes  15 years of

bussiness experience



Company  has expertise in following product groups

1.dyes  for leather colouring

2.wet end chemicals , syntans and fatliquors

3. formicacid

4.shoe adhesives and rubber solution

our principals



1.united alacrity india p

2.gujaratpolysolchemicals p

3.shrimeeralabs p

4.roshanchemical industries---rubbersolution&adhesives

5. super bond adhesives  ptd

6. asiatic rubber industries ---latex 



slno productname product type price 1 turbotan 540 liquidretanningsyntan 140 2 biotan fb6 anionic resin syntan 113 3 turbotanre liquidresinsyntan 124 4 turbotanpf graintightening 110 5 turbotanng liquid neutralising 94 6 biotanos replacement syntan 109 7 bioliqba naturalphospholipids 106 8 turbofatash syntheticfatliquor 104 9 turbofatsl lanolin fatliquor 110 10 turbofatsnf semisyntheticfatliquor 110 11 turbofatds21 nonionicwhitefatliquor 69 12 turbofat ba lacetin fatliquor 95 13 kevixsolmbshspl syntheticfatliquor 109 14 turbosil73 950 wax 475 15 turbowax540w 619 wax 250 16 turbosil50 suede feel modifier 420 17 merlynecotan formicacid 60 18 nigrosine liquid 120 19 turbosiluhs wax sw 1600 20 turbofat123 white anionic fatliquor 85 21 ucat gsin cationic fatliquor 60 22 merlynspe phosphoric ester 145 23 merlynsfo sulphited fish oil 150 24 merlynpl advanced polymer based 163 25 dispersing agent merlynda 171 26 nouvalxs-20 dufalxs 128 27 nouvalsr dufalsr 129 28 mitozyme fl strong bate for higher yield 335